Here are some examples of possible cheap housing options [Please do your research and be careful of scams!]
Prefab Houses Search Amazon , AliExpress, Home Depot or Ebay and see youtube for some varied reviews and troubleshooting/advice
Tiny Houses See Tiny House Listings or Ebay
Used workforce housing See Used Oilfield Houses w/ studios in a 4plex from as low as $13k/unit
Yurts e.g. Freedom Yurt-Cabins (would need to add plumbing and electric)
Tiny House Shed Conversions see e.g. Crossroads Indiana for a shell and Live Tiny is a Greene County pro to help finish it [Quote from a year ago: “a 14x24 A-frame cabin [from crossroads] could be finished and delivered for about $45K.”, 30k more for two stories, possibilities to leave some work to DIY for a discount] Also see Durashed
Panelized Building Landmark claims to design from a sketch, and allowing finished costs as low as $200/sqft if acting as own contractor
Sewer/Septic: Indiana law requires this for all dwelling units.
Shared Wilderness Area/Garden
Basement Tornado Shelter (Perhaps under a Yurt to Provide Community Library/Study Space)
Food Forest
Low Voltage Ground Mounted Solar/Agrovoltaic Farm
Community Hangout Space
Free Market Stall Setup and Food Truck Parking Area
Condos: individual ownership of a tiny plot of land + partial ownership of septic and common land
Condos: individual ownership of a completed house + partial ownership of septic and common land
Rental units: land with tiny house/RV pad
Rental units: house on foundations?
Links to social media with ,e.g., for group discussions and coordination tba (if there is interest)
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