Transparency/”Open Source” Approach: We (personally) aim to make housing cheap and abundant, not to profit from scarcity. And we’re lucky enough to have jobs we love. So we’ll share any promising options we come across, and info about outcomes and costs.
Incremental Development: We aim to manage risk and keep costs low by making small bets and encouraging experimentation and further development (we love the Strong Towns approach to urbanism)
Pro-Density/YIMBYism: Let’s protect nature and affordability by favoring traditional, walkable, dense development that leaves more land for nature.
Coordination To Keep Costs Low: Rather than building first and then charging a markup to compensate for empty units, we’ll get a solid list of preorders before building.
After WWII, many nations faced a housing crisis. Prefab estates were a much loved part of the solution in many places.
Links to social media with ,e.g., for group discussions and coordination tba (if there is interest)
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